Tag Archive

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged as “teaching good character”

Meet our Contributors

January 27, 2022 | Wisdom Wonder Project

Interested in meeting the educators behind the Wisdom Wonder Project curriculum? Keep scrolling to learn a bit about our team. Singapore Math Video Teachers Amy Houser (Kindergarten and First Grade) If she’s not exploring the oceanfront and observing what the tide brings in, Amy is … Read More

Character Counts: Stewardship

January 1, 2022 | Amanda Ainsworth

When we think about stewardship, some of us usually think about managing money, and though it’s certainly a good idea to teach kids how to make wise financial choices, perhaps you could broaden the conversation to other areas of stewardship. Even young children can understand … Read More

Teaching Character Through Literature: Resilience

May 1, 2021 | Betsi Ashby

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” ― Maya Angelou RESILIENCE: The ability to recover strength, determination, spirit, flexibility, and good humor in the face of change, mistakes and trials. Catch phrase: The only real failure … Read More